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Your giving to New Hope Baptist Church allows us to reach out with the light of hope to a darkened world. Every gift given is offered up to our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ, to bring honor & glory to Him and Him alone. We pray that as you give, you will not see it as a burden, but as an act of worship by extending just a small token back to God of what He has already so freely given to you. Though you may never see the difference your gift makes this side of Heaven, you will be eternally blessed with riches unfathomable. Please only give what the Lord places on your heart and know how much it is appreciated in helping to grow and strengthen our ministries and resources at NHBC.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven." -Matthew 6:19-20


To give to NHBC online, please click here.

We use a company called SecureGive for giving online. When giving, please choose the "Donate" option to submit your gift to the Church. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office at (864) 882-0828. UPDATE: An ACH option is now available for electronic donations. Thank you!


If you are more comfortable giving through mail or in-person, the following options are available.

Our mailing address is:                   Our church office address is:
*Effective December 2021*           105 Clyde Crenshaw Rd.
New mailing address                    Seneca, SC 29672
New Hope Baptist Church               
P.O. Box 1014                                   
Seneca, SC 29679

If you have questions regarding your gift, please call our church office Monday-Friday from 8:30am-12:30pm at 864-882-0828 or email